Year2 - FMP

Peer Assessment

Year2 - FMP

Final Reflection and Evaluation

Year2 - FMP

week11 – Reflection and Evaluation

The last week of this project, I have been putting together materials, visualisation, and design rationale. For the materials, I decided to make a board about what I want the design to have and I learned it from the colour theory experiment that I did previously. Moreover, the way I present my visual is to make up collages to illustrate the design I created into different context. In this way, I can help the viewers to have a better understanding in what I want them to perceive. Thus, for the design rationale, I have clearly explained reasons why I chose the design to be in certain ways.

The activities I have done this week went quite smoothly, as I have already planed ahead in what I wanted to achieve. Furthermore, I got given some feedbacks from my tutors in which has really helped me to identify the problems I faced. The way I wanted to present my final outcome changed to the current situation. However, without those advice, I think it wouldn’t have come out this way and I think that it is very important to listen to the feedbacks from others.

To summarise, I found this week to be manageable and enjoyable at the same time. In addition, I now understand why planning ahead is important for the work as it is a lot more organised and so won’t be stressful when the tasks need to be done.

Year2 - FMP

Design Rationale

Year2 - FMP

More Bibliography

Truini, J. (2016) How to soundproof a room, Popular Mechanics. Available at: (Accessed: 19 May 2021).

6 ways public entities use smart tech for public safety (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 19 May 2021).

Marinova, I. (2020) 2021’s remote work statistics (productivity, income, trends), Available at: (Accessed: 19 May 2021).

How to soundproof thin walls (2020) Available at: (Accessed: 19 May 2021).

Dyson Lightcycle MorphTM light (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 19 May 2021).

Geog70611, G. and the Web (no date) Jonny’s guide to writing a design rationale, Available at: (Accessed: 19 May 2021).

Year2 - FMP

Visuals and Functions

I have transferred the 3D render onto the another app called Layout which links to sketch-up, therefore it is more convenient to add in text and dimensions.

I then make up 2 models that looks mostly the same and the only difference is the walls of the each model, one is made out of cards and another is made out of a piece of acetate. Thus, I wanted to illustrate the model when changing the opacity of the walls.

Furthermore, I wanted to visualise the viewers about different surroundings that this design solution can be put into. Therefore, I edited the model picture I took on an app called Procreate and began to draw out the perspective vision onto it.

The first one shows an example of the smart office in the home and it was done digitally using mixed media.

Another drawing is also a mixed media showing an alternation in the built environment. I thought it would also be a good way of the office to make it as a co-working space and still a good way of keeping distance towards each other.

This third picture shows a scenario in the park as I think people can also work in the park.

Platform in the train station is also another idea for those people who want to kill time while waiting for the train.

Moreover, I have talked about the functions of this space and this can be view on the video I made here:

Year2 - FMP

Materials for the Design Solution

Materials Board

This is the materials board for my smart office and which involved Aluminium for the structure supporting the strength of the space, mirror in the smart table, tile for the flooring, glass for the walls of the room, and white plastic for the furnitures.

Year2 - FMP

week10 – Reflection and Evaluation

It’s the second to last week before the project is due, as result, I have been putting together context and gathering the information and knowledge I did so far for the readers to understand my perspective of how I decided to do each things. Moreover, I updated my initial proposal a little bit for the more specific proposal.

From my point of view, I also feel that my work is now looking more put together because of the context essay I wrote. I think it gave me a clearer visual of how I decided to use which reasons for which. For example, I was interested in how to design the more inclusive and the smart technology at first but I didn’t know what to design because of the unpinned point, the ‘who’ I am going to design for. However, after doing some primary and secondary research, I got more fascinated with the relationships between people and the smart technology and therefore, I found out the connection to the circumstance of this Pandemic which has given me ideas of the working from home situation.

To conclude, this week shows me that I have been developing many ideas and my progress in which I am content for. I now understand the way in which the creative thinking works despite being experienced at it.

Year2 - FMP

Plan Update for the final week

As I have already finished with my technical drawings and moreover, I have a clear idea on the materials too. Therefore, this final week will be a week of gathering all of the last pieces together for the viewer to be able to visualise and understand the concepts more conveniently.

Year2 - FMP

Proposal Update

I have updated my proposal to be more specific by altered the initial piece a little.

The blue text is what changed.