Unit 8 - FMP

FMP – Proposal, Time-table and Evaluation and Reflection

These below are my Proposal, Time-table and evaluation and reflection.

The proposal is which I wrote at the beginning of the project and it’s the idea of how I wanted this project to be about. It also included all the harvard reference, which are all the websites that I have been looking at to carry out my secondary research.

Next is my Time-table plan, that I have been putting on all the information I think I will do each week, the first few weeks I did was at the very beginning of the project and this is because I can be more organised to start off. Then, towards the end of the project I started to fill in each week by week and not to plan too much ahead as the work can be change all the time depending how I response to each artist.

Lastly is the evaluation and the reflection on my project as a whole. It concluded everything I had worked on.

Unit 8 - FMP

FMP, Final Outcome

For my final outcome, I have chosen the second idea which is a round looking sculpture with a hole in it.

My presentation page.
An enlarged picture that is on the sketchbook above. I used procreate to edit my sculpture onto this picture I found on Pinterest.

The inspiration that I got from is Henry Moore’s work. His work is abstract The curves and lines of the piece are very fluidity giving quite a sense of satisfaction.

Stories — Henry Moore at Tate Britain reviewed by RA Magazine ...
Sculpture done by Henry Moore.

The material of my final outcome sculpture also came from him and because his work are also inspired by the nature, therefore I feel like using the colour and texture of dark wood.

High Quality Resolution Seamless Dark Wood Texture For Interior ...
The texture of the sculpture I wanted to have.
Art Collection | NorthPark Center
Sculpture done by Anish Kapoor.

Another artist that I got an inspiration for my final outcome is Anish Kapoor. The simple shapes and material he created are very fascinating, I like the way his work reflected to the surrounding and so it gives me idea of wanting my sculpture to have that shiny surface on it too and that can be done using some kind of glaze onto my piece showing a polished wood like.

I have looked into the sizing and thought that I didn’t want my sculpture to be too big as it would be quite overwhelming and that got me thinking of another artist called Brian Donnelly who created KAWS, which is in one or my artist research. He creates these toys’ characters which includes a variety of sizes from tiny to massive. The bigger the size, the more expensive it gets. For me though, I wanted to be able to put somewhere and can be seen in daily life which also reminding people about the meanings behind the sculpture.

I then ordered modelling clays online and started to build up a maquette for my sculpture. I used my hands to construct it with no equipment as I lacked them. However, the maquette came out as expected and I have documented it with my phone.

When I built up my maquette.

I then looked back to my reference that I sketched again to see if it looks similar and so started to adjust the shape of the maquette as I realised that it needed to be rounder.

When I reshaped the maquette.

The pictures below show how my maquette turned out. I am very pleased with the outcome and this maquette only show how the shape will look like when it’s 3D however, does not show the material of the sculpture. The texture of the sculpture, ideally is very smooth and also has that wood pattern on it with a very shiny surface but as I don’t have wood and the equipment to do the process of the actual sculpture. As a result, I can only present the ideas of how my outcome will be and imitate to be as close as it could be so the viewer and I can see the same outcome in our own way.

For all this to happen, I have been planing out each steps carefully by creating lists of what I wanted to achieve each week and the picture below is an example.

This was done during the first few weeks of the FMP. Planning to get rough ideas.

As the picture above, I have been planning similarly to that ever since to get me going into the right direction which of course, it was much more organised than just having a proposal plan and the time table.

Unit 8 - FMP

Initial Ideas For Final Outcome, week8

I started to think of the ideas for my final outcome by drafting about what meaning would I give to this piece, I was aiming on doing a sculpture. After figuring that out I then moved on to do some thumbnail sketches just to get some rough ideas and while doing that, I used my previous researches, Henry Moore and Anish Kapoor to be my inspiration and these are how it turns out.

These 3 ideas are the ones that I selected and I will choose one of these 3 to be my outcome.

I rearranged them on to my sketch book to get a better presentation.
Unit 8 - FMP

Primary research week 7,

I have looked on the google map to see different locations in Thailand and this is because of the pandemic as I am doing social distancing. I looked and sketched these locations to help me with the final outcome as these could help me to choose which location to place my outcome in.

The sketches takes about 30 mins each and I think my favourite one is the 1st one on the second page because of the building itself, I like the style of the structure of the building as it gives out kind of tropical and summery vibe. The overall process was quite relaxing and enjoyable.

Unit 8 - FMP

Fmp, week6, more artist research

I looked in to this Chinese artist called Ei Weiwei and his work is really interesting and well made.

Artist page

His work makes a lot of powerful and fascinating pieces. Although the work he created has made his life difficult because the work he did are political and rebellious to the government as he is an activist.

A perspective drawing of my room
Another perspective drawing of my room

I then look into another artist called Brian Donnelly but people call him KAWS. His work is so popular globally.

Lastly, I looked into this artist called, Anish Kapoor and he’s a Sculptor who has created so many amazing sculptures. The work are very modern and minimalist, the way he chooses the materials and the colours has made his work very original.

These three artists I researched are very interesting and how they make their work, how they have thought about it throughout the process, the meanings behind and just the way they think about art in general is very powerful and I can definitely see how they can influence other people or artists to become just like them.

I decided to do a response on Anish Kapoor on one of his art work called The Sky Mirror by using a smaller mirror to reflects on the sky. I went to the coconut farm to get the natural view similarly to the artist.

For me it was fun to take pictures like this although it was a little hard to get the right angles as the mirror I had was quite small therefore I had to hold it. Despite that, I pictures came out interesting and especially with the sun set, the sky then was very pleasing.

Unit 8 - FMP

FMP, week5, Primary sketches

I used the hand out that got given when I visited there to cut it into pieces and glued it onto the sketchbook so it looks interesting. For example, the the Kettle’s Yard title.
I also did the same here and this page was actually about the exhibition on that day and not inside the actual house of Jim Ede.
Notes from the artist talk
Some more notes on the other artist talk
I did similar thing to what I did to Kettle’s Yard
Sketch of the room
Developed experiment
More developed experiment

Unit 8 - FMP

FMP, week4, Shin Kwangho

I did more artist research and I then found him, Shin Kwangho. he is a South Korean painter and I chose him because I wanted to look into the psychological way and his art work represents that through colours which I found so interesting.

Artist page
Annotation to the response
My response
My second response
Unit 8 - FMP

FMP week 4,

I started to put in my primary research which was about what I did while I was in quarantined and it includes my rooms, how it looks and also the diary while I was in quarantine. I also put in my room in the accommodation in the UK and the room at my house in Thailand just to compare the differences in each room, the function and objects I use in there.

Unit 8 - FMP

FMP week 3, more artists research.

I did 2 more artists research for this week and both of their work are quite different from each other, one is a photojournalist and his name is called Don Maccullin.

His photography skills helped him to record and document so many amazing stories from all the places he had been and it shows the new generations of what history looks like.

The other artist that I researched on was called Hannah Hoch.

I found her work to be very creative and meaningful, she has a lot of meanings behind her beautiful work and that has really impresses me,

I decided to do my response by combining these two artists together in my own way and this is how they turned out,

The second, I wanted to do something different and therefore, I tried out a poster. I chose to do a poster because the artist, Don Maccullin as I found him very inspiring from his quotes and the way he carried out his career by willing to risk his life to get so many good photos, and of course I still tried to corporate with the technique similarly to Hannah Hoch, which is how this turned out. The quote on the poster was found on pinterest and again, I used procreate to create this. However, the photo I got wasn’t taken by Don Mccullin but it’s a black and white photo that relates to war, I found it suits really well to the poster and as a result, I used this photo. I chose to do lines of reddish pink colour so it kind of representing the blood and that millions of lives has to die due to the epidemic around the world which is relating to my topic. This poster courage people to stay inside, quarantining themselves to present catching the disease, and I do satisfied with the outcome.

Unit 8 - FMP

FMP week 3,

This third week, I have looked into another artist called Henry Moore and he is a British sculpt. His work has really fascinated me and from what I found, his work has a lot of organic shapes and lines, the curve of the sculptures are really unique with different types of materials for each sculpture.

Henry Moore OM, CH, 'Working Model for Unesco Reclining Figure ...

This is one of his sculpture made from Bronze.

The work above he made represents a symbolic of a mother figure which showing a reclining female figure made up of hollowed forms. The sculpture was made to express better version of women of the post-war period.

He had also made several other types of women figures sculptures that were made in different shape and forms including the texture which also presents how women in his idea were. The abstract look of each figure had made it challenging for some to regconise what the figure represents but once you know what it is then you will totally feel it.

Eight Sculpture Ideas', Henry Moore OM, CH, 1980-1 | Henry moore ...
Some of the sketches that were done by him.

I like all the organic lines that he drew and the way he toned them also helped with the sculptures to look like a 3D shapes.

I wanted to response to him by doing similar sketches and so I decided to use the primary picture that I took as an inspiration to sketch out these 3D sculptures.