Uncategorized Unit 8 - FMP

FMP week 1,

For this first week of unit 8 or what we called The Final Major Project (FMP), I have started to plan by doing a mind map and throwing in all of my ideas which I found quite helpful as I can then later on organised them.

After the mind map, I then arranged my ideas into sentences and put those into the project proposal for the teachers to see and know what I wanted to do and so they can help to guide me for a better quality project.

I went and find loads of pictures that relates to what I wanted to do on Pinterest to create a mood board to see the theme of the project visually.

Mind map
Mood board

The overall or what I got so far was a fun process for me, finding pictures or putting ideas down was very fascinating. I used a lot of the secondary pictures which I then cut into collages to make it more interesting, I’ve also put some labels on there just to get some words across and I am happy with the end result. The next thing I’ll be doing is researches which will definitely take some times.

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